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Herbsttagung der Komplementärmedizin 2023

Joint Conference of

- International Medical Society of Functional Proteomics e.V. (IÄfP)
- German Medical Association for Autologous Therapeutic Methods e.V.
- Society of Ozone- and Oxygen Applications in Medicine und Technique e.V.
- ThermoMed- International Society of Thermography and Thermology e.V.
- International Medical Association for Lüscher-Colour-Diagnosis e.V.

Venue: LanzCarré Hotel D-68163 Mannheim, Heinz-Haber-Straße 2, near Frankfurt / Germany

Saturday October 7, 2023


09:00 Dr. med. Helmut Sauer, MDActive fever therapy applied to cancer diseases

09:45 Dr. med. Sabine Fischer, MDInterfacial disorder in triangle of functional Proteomics,
intestinal Microbiology and Nutritional therapy

10:30 Coffee Break

11:00 Dr. med. Jürgen Aschoff, MDVitamin D receptor Blockades,
a challenge for the practice

11:45 Dr. med. Norbert Disterheft, MDPractical Experiences with functional Proteomics
and autologous therapy

12:30 Lunch

13:30 Johannes KrebsWhen the oral cavity becomes an obstacle to healing -
from a dentist's perspective

14:15 Dr. med. Ferdinand Wurms, MDCurrent experience with ozone/oxygen autologous blood therapy

15:00 Coffee Break

15:30 Prof. Dr. med. Reinhold Berz, MDDiabetes-related amputation -
early risk detection and prevention

16:15 Dr. med. Helmut Sauer, MDPain therapy in practice

All lectures in German - Conference language is German

Tagung der ThermoMed-Gesellschaft 2023

Ort: Praxis Dr. Sauer, D-76337 Waldbronn-Reichenbach (10 km von Karlsruhe)

Samstag, 14.10.2023

Tagung im kleineren Kreis.
Es werden sowohl die Regulationsthermographie nach Rost (Punktmessung) als auch die Infrarotthermographie behandelt.

Beginn: 9 Uhr
Ende: 16 Uhr

Für Pausengetränke und Imbiss ist gesorgt.
Kostenbeitrag: 50 €